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15 things we get to say to our kids now we're the parents

Sometimes children say things and we're lost for words. It's at times like this we crack out the standard parent replies that can stop children in their tracks. 

1. Because I said so...
We said this one when all else failed and we didn't really have a reason to say no!

2. Ask your mum/dad.
Sometimes you've just got to let someone else deal with the problem and hope they don't say the same thing! 

3. No dessert unless you finish dinner.
One of our personal favourites, they ALWAYS ate the peas after we've said that one.

4. I want, never gets.
Well, we have to teach our little ones some manners! 

5. Close the door you weren't born in a barn!
We don't pay the heating bills to keep the street warm!

6. It'll all end in tears.
We try not to be smug and follow it with 'I told you so'.

7. There is no such word as 'can't'.
Sometimes our little ones need a bit of encouragment, this was the easiest way!

8. Do as I say not as I do.
We've waited a long time to say this. 

9. Who is 'she'? The cat's mother?
To be honest, a lot of us still don't know what this means but it always sounded good.

10. I've told you a thousand times.
Usually said whilst rolling our eyes...

11. Wait and see.
When will they learn that we're are always right?

12. If you eat your carrots you will be able to see in the dark.
Sometimes you have to get creative when trying to make the kids eat...

13. Say pardon not 'what'.
We haven't brought you up to be rude to people.

14. If someone asked you to jump off a cliff would you?
Try finding something to say back to this! 

15. Back in my day...
Sometimes the kids need to know how good they have it and we use this to remind them.


Source: The Guardian UK