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Ronnie Cooke shown the door by e'mail

Beleagured EP Rugby Union President Cheeky Watson has confirmed the termination of EP Kings centre Ronnie Cooke's contract by email.

The EP Kings are currently in dire financial straits some 10 weeks from the start of the 2016 Super Rugby tournament.

Watson's letter to Cooke, published by Sport 24, states that there is no immediate relief in sight and the union remains concerned about its ability to meet its ongoing financial committments in the future.

Watson advises Cooke that EP Rugby will therefore be approaching him and his agent with regards to reaching a settlement agreement to terminate his contract.

Earlier this week, former Despatch Rugby Club president and Baby Boks manager Willem Oliphant indicated that he was prepared to run for the Presidency of EP Rugby.

Oliphant is an astute businessman as well and the owner of the international company GAP Management.

He believes that with the necessary structures, disciplines and governance in place, the Union can be transformed to its former glory.

The EPRU AGM, postponed at the 11th hour at the end of November, has been rescheduled for the 30th of January.