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Rally behind Southern Kings – EPRU

The Eastern Province Rugby Union has appealed to the Eastern Cape community to get behind the Southern Kings.

The appeal from EPRU comes in the wake of calls for a boycott of the Southern Kings by the Rugby Transformation Coalition.

RTMC spokesperson, Qondakele Sompondo, was reported as saying that their call was based on the fact that SA rugby was in breach of its own constitution by continuing to run the affairs of the Union (Southern Kings), thus creating two “centres of power in one province”.

SA Rugby took over control of the Southern Kings during its Super Rugby campaign due to the financial woes face by EP Rugby and also continued when the Kings were drafted into the Guiness Pro14 competition in the UK.

In a statement on Thursday, EPRU president Andre’ Rademan, said that “negotiations between EPRU and SARU are proving to be more complex than anticipated, because of the recent history of maladministration before the current executive had been elected in April.”

“Frustration in certain circles resulted in an unfortunate and impetuous threat of a boycott of Kings games, fueled by exaggerated media reports and vaunted banners,” he said.

 Rademan said a “mature and calculated meeting of minds since Tuesday has now resulted in a closer relationship among members of the executive committee, and in a new found commitment to a unified front to ensure the soonest and complete management control over EP teams and EP commercial rights.”

“Unified, enthusiastic support for the Kings, this Saturday, and throughout the exciting PRO14 season, is a ticket to sustainable EPRU success,” Rademan said.