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EP Kings woes set to continue

The Eastern Province Rugby Union's woes are set to deepen with litigation looming against it, over tournament table points in a local club championship.

The dissatisfaction stems from the replays of matches which were rained out in June this year.

This led to Despatch being declared the 2015 winners of the annual Grand Challenge Cup, instead of the Police club, which was leading the points log at the time.

Lawyers are now preparing to take EPRU to court, claiming that the rained-out matches were replayed in breach of EPRU's constitution, rules and regulations.

Algoa FM News has been granted access to detailed documents and correspondence pertaining to the looming legal challenge.

The background to the matter includes that rules state, if a match in the tournament is called off due to an Act of God, a determination of a rematch must be done within seven days - which did not happen in June.

This resulted in all clubs which were due to play on the 6th of June being allocated two log points each, and this was rubber-stamped by the Management Committee.

Police club would have been the tournament winner.

EPRU rescheduled the matches for the 18th of July, in apparent breach of the regulations and at the instruction of EPRU's top management.

The Police Club protested to the Management Committee, and the protest was upheld.

However, the top brass at EPRU rescinded this, despite the fact that the Committee's decisions can only be reversed by a full meeting of all club presidents, which hasn't happened.

The Police Club has now taken the legal route over the matter and court documents are being prepared.

EP Rugby is expected to respond to the story.