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EP Cricket mourns passing of Yusuf Lorgat

It is with sadness that EP Cricket has learnt of the passingof one of its cricketing stalwarts, Mr Yusuf Lorgat.

Yusuf served EP Cricket as a Director and was a Life Member for many years. He was a true gentleman in all respects. At the time of his death Mr Lorgat served on the Eastern Province Cricket Directors Affairs Committee.

“Yusuf will be remembered fondly by all at EP Cricket and we send our condolences to his family and friends” said EP President Donovan May.

Dr Ali Bacher also paid tribute to Mr Lorgat,“Yusuf was a first-class human being, honourable and fair and played a majorrole in the unification of cricket in the early 1990’s”. 

Apart from all the accolades he received in his lifetime,achievements for both sport and community work, he will be remembered for hiswisdom and unfailing love of the game. 

Mr Hamilton Peterson (former treasurer EP Cricket Association– 1970) said: “Yusuf will be greatly missed as a sports personality and someone who cared for society. He, Dan Qeqe and Silas Nkanunu played a significant role in advancing sport in Eastern Province in the 1970’s and 1980’s.” 

Judge Ronnie Pillay served many years with Mr Lorgat on the Board of the Eastern Province Cricket Association and later EP Amateur Cricket Board and said: “Yusuf was an outstanding sports administrator and had the ability to enmesh the needs of black sport with a social conscious. Even after 1994 he continued striving to build sport.” 

Mr Lorgat was also very involved in soccer and Mr Valentine Brink (former President EP Soccer Board) recalled “Yusuf played a big role in the administration of soccer and being the treasurer we used to get great support through his business. A well-disciplined and respected administrator.”