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A Yellowfin Tuna of 106.75kg has been caught by Frank Scholtz from Gonubie, East London during the SADSAA Tuna Nationals fishing tournament which is being hosted from Simons Town.
This remarkable fish was caught on 10kg breaking strain line and the angler fought the fish for just on 6 hours. The fish was hooked 60km off cape point and after the hook-up the fight travelled for just over 7 km.
This fish is in the process of being registered to improve the current world record of 97kg and the current South African record stands at 93.1kg.
The SADSAA Tuna Nationals are currently taking place over 5 days, where 6 provincial teams and one SADSAA team are competing for the honours of being crowned the top team in the country. Frank Scholtz is representing the Border team, together with Kevin Bourke and Gary Thompson. The skipper of the day was David Edgar on his 30ft Arrow Cat, "Witch Craft".
This tournament has placed itself over the years as the most prestigious game fishing event on the South African fishing calendar.
The official prize giving will take place on Saturday the 19th at 18:30 at South African Marlin and Tuna which is a part of the False Bay yacht Club in Simons Town.