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Get Healthy and Get Walking with the Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk

Walking is one of the most rewarding forms of exercise. It’s healthy, accessible and cheaper than most other forms of physical activity. All that’s needed is a good pair of walking shoes and the will to put one foot in front of the other – the more briskly, the better.

Leading up to the Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk taking place on Saturday, 27 October 2012 at the NMMU Cricket Fields, it’s time for the community of Port Elizabeth to clock up a few extra kilometres and check the treads on their shoes to ensure they complete the walk without a hitch.

This year’s Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk not only aims to enhance and protect lives through physical activity and living a healthier lifestyle but to also raise awareness of cancer. The aim with this event is to engage PE and surrounding communities and assist them in understanding cancer and provide them with a platform to stand together in the fight against it.

Dr Craig Nossel, Discovery’s Head of Vitality Wellness says regular participation in a physical activity such as walking can halve the risk of cardiovascular disease. “In addition, fit walkers are less likely to fall and suffer injuries such as hip fractures because they develop stronger bones. They are also less likely to sustain injury as their joints have a better range of movement and muscles are more flexible,” he says.

Regular walkers are less prone to depression and anxiety, tend to be good sleepers and are better able to control body weight. “Combined with healthy eating, physical activity such as walking is critical to any sustainable weight control plan.  In addition, keeping weight within healthy limits can mean a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis,” says Dr Nossel.

So, how much walking will achieve the best results?

Dr Nossel recommends a 30-minute walk at least three times a week. “Of course, the more often, the better and the intensity of ‘walking for fitness benefits’ varies according to the age and fitness of the individual, but generally, brisk is better,” he says.

But, how brisk is brisk? “The aim is to walk fast without over-exertion. Do the talk-test. You should just about be able to hold a conversation while you are walking,” says Dr Nossel.

People who are not regular walkers should build up their walking activity over time. If it is initially too difficult to walk for 30 minutes at a time, they should start with regular, small bouts (10 minutes) of walking, three times a day. People who want to lose weight will need to build up to an exercise routine of longer than 30 minutes a day.

Nossel says turning ordinary everyday activities in physical activities can also be an effective way of building up fitness levels and assisting with weight loss. “So, why not take the stairs instead of the lift; get off public transport one stop earlier and walk home or to work; do housework such as vacuuming; hot-foot it to the local shop or walk the dog?” he says.

To derive the greatest benefits from walking, it should become a daily routine like brushing teeth and eating breakfast (preferably done at the same time every day). To keep motivated, walkers could choose to exercise with a friend or keep an activity diary or log.

The Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk takes place at NMMU Cricket Fields on 2nd Avenue, Summerstrand on Saturday, 27 October 2012, and will include 4km and 8km walks.

Entry fee for the 8km is R35 and R30 for the 4km with an entry fee of R10 for all children under the age of 10 and free entrance for children in prams. Medals will be awarded to the first 7 500 walkers to complete the event, goodie bags and water bottles to the first 7 000, and t-shirts to the first 6 000 participants including free wellness screenings and lucky draw prizes.

Children under 10 who would like to receive a goodie bag, water bottle and t-shirt will need to pay the full adult rate for the various walks. Entry forms available from Sportsman’s Warehouse, Brian Bands, Action Sports, Sports World, the Footballer, Brookets Sports, all three Virgin Active gyms in Port Elizabeth as well as the Algoa FM office in Summerstrand or simply register online on www.algoafm.co.za.
For more detail, readers can also like the Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk Facebook page and follow activities surrounding the event or find more detail on www.algoafm.co.za.