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Parties put differences aside in motion to topple ANC-led administration

EFF's Khanya Ngqisha and Freedom Front Plus' Bill Harrington co-signed a petition

AlgoaFM News

Political parties have decided to put their differences aside and act together with one common goal of toppling the ANC-led administration in Nelson Mandela Bay.

The EFF and Freedom Front Plus co-signed a petition, with 61 signatures, requesting a special council meeting to be convened in 10 days in terms of the Municipal Structure's Act.

This meeting will convene to deal with three motions including the removal of the executive mayor, Eugene Johnson.

The petition signed by the ACDP, DA, EFF, UDM and Freedom Front Plus was received and signed by the Metro's Corporate services constituency service director, Duminasi Mbebe, on Friday.

The petition has highlighted Johnson's conduct as the mayor and her failure to table the 2022/2023 IDP and Budget in council.

"Due to the chaotic state of affairs caused by the Executive Mayor of NMBM, she dismally failed to perform her executive obligations,".

EFF councillor, Khanya Ngqisha, says the ANC was given a chance to govern but now it is time for it to step down.

"It's not about partnerships and all of that, I think everyone sees the dire situation in which we are in. I have already mentioned the issue of water which is an essential need for our residents,".

"So, everyone that has logic will be able to see what needs to be done," he said.

Meanwhile, Freedom Front Plus councillor, Bill Harrington, says the cries of residents have been answered today.

"Service delivery needs to be restored, the chaotic stance at this stage that we find ourselves in the Metro also bound us up to stand up to the plate and take control,".

" The ANC had their chance, the bloc had their chance they couldn't do it. We know and we are very positive that we can take the city forward," Harrington added.