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Reserve Bank secures court order to attach Markus Jooste’s assets


The South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) confirmed on Tuesday evening that it has secured a court order to attach assets linked to disgraced former Steinhoff CEO Markus Jooste.

This is related to his involvement in the accounting scandal that rocked the former retail giant.

The move represents the first major public-sector-led court action in SA linked to Jooste and his role as the top executive at Steinhoff when the fraud first came to light a few years back.

[The] Western Cape High Court has granted the South African Reserve Bank an ex parte order to attach the assets linked to former Steinhoff CEO Mark[us] Jooste.

The Sarb executed the order on Tuesday, 18 October 2022,” the central bank said in a brief post on Twitter, with a link to the court order.

A cursory glance at the order reveals that Jooste’s Lanzerac house and wine farm in Stellenbosch and another house in Voëlklip in the Western Cape have been seized, together with several luxury and commercial vehicles, artworks, jewellery and other assets.

Artworks worth R781 614.00

Black Isuzu R81 200.00

White Mercedez Benz SL600 R434 300.00

Green landrover R350 000.00

White Lexus  R293 600.00

Volkswagen Kombi R344 100.00

Jewellery, paintings and firearms worth R795 400.00

The court order also calls for the removal of all moveable goods except clothing, food and essential goods.

The accounting scandal at Steinhoff brought the group to its knees, but it averted a total collapse after securing settlement agreements with several parties that initiated court action.

For more on this story visit www.moneyweb.co.za