Police in Conville in George, have arrested two men in connection with the murder of 54-year-old Joan Singrew.
Hundreds of landlords in Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality were shocked to learn that they have to pay R2,207 to apply for a permit to rent out “spaza shops”.
A Gqeberha mother has pleaded guilty to conspiring to kill her son in plea deal with the state that saw her being jailed for an effective 25 years.
Bhisho to pay particular attention to the Departments of Health and Education after they both received qualified audit opinions.
The Uyinene Mrwetyana Foundation to mark its 5th anniversary in East London on Saturday.
A wanted suspect on a double murder charge in Bethelsdorp made a brief appearance in the Gqeberha Magistrate's Court on Wednesday.
The State brought an application before court for Judge Denzil Potgieter to recuse himself.
A child who stole his grandfather's gun before killing his school principal in April last year was sentenced earlier this month to 43 years in prison.
A missing woman whose body was discovered in the Great-Brak River this week was identified as 54-year-old Joan Singrew.
Journey to Justice, an exclusive podcast on the life of Vicki Terblanche, a slain Gqeberha mother.
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