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Health Department reports on progress at New Brighton morgue

The Eastern Cape Health Department has announced several improvements at the New Brighton mortuary after the Department of Labour issued a prohibition notice in January.

Services rendered there were temporarily moved to the Gelvandale forensic pathology services after the Labour Department flagged a number of issues at the New Brighton facility.

Provincial health department spokesperson Siyanda Manana said since then, repairs were completed on a 12 meter container freezer used to accommodate unknown bodies in the facility that had caused an unpleasant smell.

He also said lighting in various areas of the facility were fixed, while extractor fans in the morgue's dissection area were serviced and are working.

Manana also noted that cold rooms were repaired and were now running at the correct temperature, while all the fridges were properly cleaned.

Repairs were also completed on the water tank pump, while fittings had been repaired and water directed to the dissection area to ensure a constant supply.

However, according to Manana, eight toilets for the public and staff still need to be repaired.

The Department's statement on Monday did not indicate when all the work is expected to be completed.