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EL company to get millions back following email scam


An East London company that was duped out of millions of rands in an email scam will be refunded R3 million rand following intervention by the Asset Forfeiture Unit.

The NPA in the Eastern Cape said the AFU obtained the forfeiture order in the High Court in East London on Monday.

NPA spokesperson, Luxolo Tyali, said this would be reimbursed to the company in line with the "process of restorative justice."

He said the alleged fraudster had sent East London Battery Centre an email in March, informing the business that their supplier's banking details had changed.

A large amount of money was transferred to the bogus account, but Tyali said when the supplier queried the lack of payment, the scam was uncovered.

He said swift action by the police, the AFU investigator, and the Finance Intelligence Centre, the money was traced, and a preservation order was obtained in May, to prevent the funds from leaving the account.

Tyali says the alleged perpetrator had even contacted the business and the AFU investigator, to request a meeting to unblock the account.

He says the matter is now being investigated by the Hawks.