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Eastern Cape population grows by more than 10%


The Eastern Cape population has grown just over 10% according to the latest census 2022 report.

Premier Oscar Mabuyane, received the report from Acting Statistician-General, Yandidswa Mpetsheni, on Thursday.

The report noted a 10.2% growth in the population of the Eastern Cape, from 6.5 million in 2011 to 7.2 million in 2022.

The Premier said the data showed that the Eastern Cape Province was the fourth most populated province in the country, moving from third position in the previous count.

"The black community continues to dominate the population of the province at 85.6%, followed by the colored community at 7.6%, white community at 5.6%, with Indians and Asians contributing to 0.5%," Mabuyane said.

He added that it was important to note that 56.1% of children aged 0-4 have access to the Early Childhood Development Programme and are reported to be attending Educare Centres around the province.

"With persons aged 5 - 24 years attending school also showing a magnificent increase by 4.8% from 72.5% to 77.3% in 2022. 

This shows good progress as the province is changing the narrative when it comes to education and is showing commitment to providing sustained investment in education”.

Mabuyane also said the census data showed that "49.5% of households have access to piped water inside dwellings, while 17.6% households have piped water inside yards and 13.4% access water outside the yards."

The Premier said 58.7% of households have flush toilets, an increase from the 43% reported in the Census 2011, as well as 53.9% of households in the Eastern Cape had their refuse removed at least once a week.

The report also noted that more than half of Eastern Cape households, or 51.9%, are headed by females.

Eastern Cape population statistics per district:

  1. OR Tambo. 1,501 702
  2. Nelson Mandela Bay Metro. 1,1 90 496
  3. Buffalo City Metro. 975 255
  4. Alfred Nzo– 936 462
  5. Amathole District– 871 601
  6. Chris Hani District. 828 387
  7. Sarah Baartman District– 533 253
  8. Joe Gqabi District– 393 048