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Stellenbosch brothers develop Ebola App

The claws of Ebola have taken more than 5 000 lives since March this year, but a simple cellphone App which can work off-line is offering a glimmer of hope.

Philip and Malan Joubert, two brothers from Stellenbosch based in California, have developed an Ebola Care app to aid organisations fighting Ebola.

Built, using their company the Journey Platform, the EbolaCare app is currently being piloted in Liberia with two NGOs and 20 users.
Philip says this is despite the challenge of availability of phones.

"One of the main challenges the NGO's were facing was getting data from the field fast enough and that they had the massive teams of volunteers and health workers going out collecting data and it is difficult managing it. Reaching NGO's have been very hard as they don't have time to talk to anybody. Our other challenge was how to get phones to Liberia. We ended up shipping phones from New York" he said