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SA man gets lengthy prison sentence in US

Accused of killing four people in the US in 2011, South African Muziwokuthula “Muzi” Madondo finally faced the music for two of the crimes on Monday when he was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment.

Madondo, who had pleaded guilty last month to gunning down of father and son Bobby Gonzales, 57, and Gabriel Baca, 37, will have to serve at least 24 years before being eligible for parole.

However, it is debatable whether Madondo will ever be allowed out on parole. Hours before his sentencing for two counts of second degree murder, two detectives from the Akron Police Department arrived in Tucumcari with the main purpose of retrieving evidence from their New Mexico counterparts that they hope will lead to Madondo’s conviction for the murder of First Merit Bank executive Jacquelyn Hilder in Ohio.

Hilder was killed in her home on the night of February 17 in 2011, while two days later the bullet-riddled body of a Maritzburg College old boy was found in a forest some 300 kilometres away.

During his arrest and initial detention by Texas Rangers,  Madondo confessed not only to the murders of Gonzales and Baca, but also apparently to those of Hilder and the Maritzburg College old boy.