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Gift of Givers open 2nd hospital in war-torn Syria

The South African humanitarian organisation, Gift of the Givers, has opened a second hospital in war-torn Syria as the humanitarian crisis continues.

The organisation's founder, Dr Imtiaaz Sooliman, says the exodus of millions of Syrians seeking refugee status in Europe and elsewhere is indicative of a major catastrophe inside Syria.  

He says they Gift of the Givers opened a field hospital in Darkoush in January 2013.

However, Dr Sooliman told Algoa FM News that the increased threat of attack, the influx of refugees from other parts of Syria and the patient overload demanded a further significant intervention.  

He said the Turkish Red Crescent deployed and donated an outstanding field hospital to Gift of the Givers which opened on Sunday.

"This hospital is much closer to the Turkish border for security purpose. There has been an influx of patients already.  This hospital will be managed by Dr Ahmad Ghandour, our medical manager from the Darkoush Hospital.  Our 180 member medical and support staff will service both facilities.  

Sooliman says the hospital has become a target in recent bombings. There was a need to put up a second hospital for the safety of staff and patients. 

Meanwhile, Sooliman told Algoa FM News that he believes the solution to the Syrian humanitarian crisis does not lie in moving refugees out of Syria.

"The Solution lies in doing what was done in Bosnia in 1992 where a safe haven should be created in Syria, so that Syrians refugees are still within their own homeland, but they are protected, have a safe corridor, food and medical services" he added

Contributions to Gift of the Givers, Standard Bank, Pietermaritzburg, Account No. 052278611, Branch Code 057525, are most welcome in the interest of serving the suffering Syrian people" he said