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5 surprising household items you should be sanitising regularly


image from Pexels.

This article was written by Marian Volkwyn.

Unexpected household items that require regular sanitisation

Multiple household items require our constant attention to ensure that our living space remains free from germs and that our families stay healthy. During the pandemic, I was constantly wiping down door knobs and products that I brought in from the grocery store, to make sure that I didn’t drag in that deadly ‘ole virus. Today, I’m ashamed to admit that many of those habits have fallen by the wayside. 


To help you get back to a sterile living environment and just in time for your annual Spring clean, here are a couple of items that you need to keep clean regularly.

Kids toys 

“As parents we know the dangers that germs can have on our children, but we tend to focus on the obvious culprits – bottles and dummies, teething rings and bath toys,” comments Bronwyn Ragavan, brand manager for sterilising brand, Milton. “What we don’t focus on are the toys that we don’t see as high-risk, and often believe that a quick wipe down with a wet cloth is enough.”


Stuffed animals may appear clean and harmless, but they are often dragged around the house, taken to daycare, and even to bed. They can pick up germs from various surfaces, and if your child is sick, their stuffed friend can harbour bacteria and viruses. Consider washing them in a mesh bag in the washing machine or using a sanitising spray safe for fabrics.

Remote controls

Remote controls are often handled by every member of the family, even guests, particularly those in communal spaces like living rooms and entertainment areas. For this very reason, it’s important to ensure that they are cleaned thoroughly and regularly. Simply spray some sanitiser on a cloth and wipe it down.


image from Pexels.

Door knobs

Door knobs are the first and the last place we usually touch before entering and leaving our homes. It is the first thing we touch after being out in the world, touch multiple items. I am in the habit of washing my hands the moment I get home, but the door knob is the first point of contact before I even get there, which means it might be a point of infestation of germs. 



If you’re old school like me and still use your physical cards instead of the tapping function on banking apps, your card might go through a few different hands throughout the day. We don’t really think about how many hands type in PINs on card machines and immediately we remove those cards and put them back into our purses and wallets. With that in mind, it might be useful to give them a wipe from time to time.



We literally take our phones with us everywhere, from the toilet to the kitchen to work, and sometimes even to bed. According to Seattle Times journalist, Bobby Caina Calvan, your phone is covered in germs. It was found that a phone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat with 25,127 bacteria per square inch. This makes cell phones one of the dirtiest objects we come in contact with every day. With that in mind, perhaps it’s time to put your cell phone on your weekly cleaning roster to reduce your exposure to additional germs and bacteria.

This article first appeared on Garden & Home.