image from Pexels.
This article was written by Limpho Nonkonyane.
Epsom salt is known to cure many issues one suffers from and learning ways to incorporate it makes for a better life.
Healthline defines this salt as a chemical mixture of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen, adding that, it is different from your regular table salt.
As per reports by, the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements, “Epsom salt plays an important role in many of the body’s processes, including regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure, as well as making protein, bone, and DNA.”
Here is what various health hubs had to say about the health benefits of Epsom salts:
- Anxiety remedy: Rhonda Mattox, MD, a physician board-certified in psychiatry and neurology, highly recommends this salt for people dealing with anxiety as according to her it helps with those already on medication or do not want any medication.
- Lessens constipation: Healthline adds that the magnesium chemical in the salt helps with constipation as it assists with bowel movements, adding that, it can also be used as a laxative once in a while.
- Helps with foot health: MedicalNews Today advises using this salt when soaking your feet as it helps with many health conditions that tend to affect your feet.
- Post-workout recovery: According to Healthline, having regular salt baths after a full workout can help with cramps and increase your sugar levels in the blood.
- Better sleep: The previously mentioned Dr. states that along with anxiety-related conditions Epsom salt baths help people who struggle to sleep. She says, “As a physician, I want my patients to sleep better and have less pain,” adding, “If baths can help relax your muscles, reduce your stress and can be a great part of a nightly bedtime ritual that sets you up for a great night’s sleep with less pain, then count me in to recommend it with some Epsom salt.”
This article first appeared on Bona.