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Business School Family Fun Day

The Business School is hosting a Family Fun Day on the fields in front of the VP Sports Club, Eddie Mac's in Victoria Park Drive, South End, PE.

We have chosen Domestic Animal Care (DAC) as our beneficiary for this event. The entrance fee to the Family Fun Day is a donation of cat or dog food, a used blanket, duvet or pillow, or a cash donation. All proceeds will go to DAC.

Please like and share their Facebook Page: https:// www.facebook.com/ DomesticAnimalCare.EllenDunning Entrance fee to park a food truck or host a stall is R150 (or more). The money from the trucks and stalls will be used to have rubber kennels made.

Contact Lisa for more information Lisa Geswindt D: +27 (0)41 504 4047 Lisa.Geswindt@mandela.ac.za To come to park your food truck or host a stall please contact Ruan Jonker on 0784883285 or email him on Ruan.Jonker@mandela.ac.za