San Francisco (dpa) - Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon saidTuesday her production company is working on a documentary about thetennis legend Martina Navratilova.
Navratilova has been an "incredible trailblazer for women, femaleathletes, the LGBTQ+ community & more," Witherspoon said on Twitter.The documentary will examine those issues and others, she added.
Hello Sunshine, Witherspoon's production company, is joining with USjournalist Glenn Greenwald and producer Suzanne Gilbert on theproject, she said.
Greenwald, an investigative journalist and co-founder of the onlinenews website The Intercept, said he wants the film to highlight thesocial and political commitment of the former world-class tennisplayer.
"I'm so excited by this project, which has been a dream for awhile: with @RWitherspoon, I'm making a film about my childhood hero, one of the greatest pioneers of the 20th Century, @Martina Navratilova,"Greenwald said on Twitter.
In addition to co-founding the Intercept, Greenwald, 51, is known forpartnering with documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras to publishwhistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations about the NationalSecurity Agency. Greenwald grew up gay in a conservative area ofFlorida.
Navratilova, 61, and winner of 18 women's singles grand slam titles, defected from Czechoslovakia in 1981 and soon afterwards came out as lesbian. She has been an activist for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people for several years.