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What Mindy Kaling says she has in common with Donald Trump

Actress-writer Mindy Kaling apparently isn't a fan of President Trump, but she has something in common with the commander in chief.

In the commencement speech she delivered Sunday at Dartmouth College, her alma mater, Kaling offered graduating students a strategy for success that has worked for her.

"I'll share with you the one thing that has kept me going through the years, my superpower: Delusion," said "The Mindy Project" creator and star. "This is something I may share with the president, which is both horrifying and interesting. We can pretty safely say that he's not going to be carved into Mount Rushmore, but damn if that's not a testament to how far you can get just by simply believing that you are the smartest, most successful person in the world."

"You have to have insane confidence in yourself, even if it's not real," she added.

She also shaded Trump as she talked about how the world the graduates are set to enter feels broken and scary. In the time that it took to deliver her speech, Kaling said, "our president might have tweeted us into war with Wakanda," referring to the fictional nation from "Black Panther."

Most of Kaling's material wasn't political. She poked fun of Ivy League stereotypes and joked about the number of Dartmouth graduates who go into finance after graduation. "Look right, look left - all three of you will be spending 10 years in a white-collar prison," she said.

And she shared "sexy stories" from her Dartmouth days, like when there was a pinkeye outbreak that spread because of shared computer terminals, and advice, such as this nugget: "Buy a toilet plunger."

(The Washington Post)