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WATCH: Trevor Noah speaks of his visit to President Ramaphosa [VIDEO]

Comedian and Daily Show host, Trevor Noah speaks about the 'surreal' moment he met South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa.

Trevor was in the country earlier this month and he says he received a call from his friend, asking him what he is doing. He said "Yo, Trevor, what are you doing?' And I said I'm waiting, I'm going to go to an event later today. And he's like: 'Oh, cause the president wants to meet you'."

Trevor says he was shocked by this, and asked a few of his industry friends to join him on the trip, without letting them know where they were actually headed to.

"So my friend's like wearing a hoodie, my other friend's wearing a free t-shirt, and I'm wearing a suit cause I'm going to go to another event."

The friends he was referring to were Sizwe Dlomo and Khaya Dlanga - and it now answers the question on everyone's mind as to why they were dressed so casually to meet the president.

Trevor describes the moment he met the president as a "surreal moment."