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WATCH: PJ Powers and Tygerberg Children’s Choir release World in Union collaboration

PJ Powers

It’s goosebump stuff – this all-new version of World in Union by PJ Powers and the 35 strong Tygerberg Children’s Choir.

In catching up with Algoa FM’s Breakfast Show team this morning, Powers said that she had been scheduled to perform with the choir at  Cape Town’s 17th Suidooster Festival on 3 May this year, however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions on public gatherings, the festival had to be postponed.

There was great disappointment all round but instead of forgoing the opportunity to sing together, it was decided by the management and production team to go ahead and create some musical magic in the form of a recording and video. A challenging task given the lockdown situation but they have pulled it off in the most spectacular fashion.

Powers said that this new recording and video of "World in Union" is a tribute to all Covid-19 essential workers but at the same time carries a strong message of hope and healing which she believes is “what we need to hang onto”.

She said that while recording the song from her home, she had experienced an “overriding sense of healing within her heart and her soul.” This is what she wants everyone who watches the video to feel, that there is "light at the end of the tunnel."

Powers said that some days had been better than others for her during lockdown but that her main feeling has been one of “overriding compassion" for the less fortunate. This is how we know and love her, the activist with the biggest of hearts, her powerful music cutting across every race and age barrier to bring harmony and union - and she has done it again!

Powers has always had an open invitation to the Algoa FM studio when in town, we hope that it will not be too long before she will be sitting down face to face with the breakfast team again.

Take a look at the video right here.


The project is a proud initiative by the Suidooster Festival in association with Die Burger and other festival partners. Copyright @ Cape Town Music Academy & Suidooster Festival 2020 All rights reserved, no part of this video may be used without the permission of the owner's World in Union performed by: Vocals: PJ Powers & Members of the Tygerberg Children's Choir Acoustic Guitar: Tigger Reunert; Bass & Electric Guitar: Schalk Joubert; Sax: Donveno Prins; Keys: Lolo Rollins; Drums: Kevin Gibson Lyrics by: Charlie Skarbek; Music by Gustav Holst; Choir Arrangement by JP de Villiers