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WATCH: Hollywood short movie aims to ban animal testing in SA


Hollywood filmmakers and movie stars have joined forces with Humane Society International to produce a powerful animated short film, #SaveRalph, in a bid to end cosmetic testing on animals around the world, including South Africa.

Although banned in 40 countries, the practice is still legal in most countries and is even making a comeback in some regions, subjecting thousands of animals to needless suffering and ultimately death. 

Providing the voices for this short film are some top names in the entertainment industry  - listen out for Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, Zac Efron, Olivia Munn, Pom Klementieff, Tricia Helfer, and many others who have come together to help stop this brutal and inhumane practice.

By providing the voices for the #SaveRalph film, they hope to shine a light on the untold suffering animals endure at the hands of the cosmetic industry. The hope is to engage consumers and policymakers in HSI’s mission to have cosmetic testing banned for good.

Writer and director Spencer Susser (Hesher, The Greatest Showman) and producer Jeff Vespa (Voices of Parkland) teamed up with the Arch Model studio of puppet-maker supreme Andy Gent on the production to bring Ralph to life. You can watch it right here:

Without showing any graphic images, they have produced a truly hard-hitting short film that should bring shame to anyone involved in animal testing for the cosmetics industry.

Ricky Gervais says: “Animal testing just makes me angry. There’s no justification for dripping chemicals in rabbits’ eyes or force-feeding them to rats just to make lipsticks and shampoo. Science has evolved enough to give us non-animal solutions to end this terrible cruelty—it’s time for our humanity to catch up.”