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Trump commutes sentence of Alice Marie Johnson after meeting with Kim Kardashian

Whether or not you are a fan of reality star Kim Kardashian, her recent intervention in the life of incarcerated Alice Marie Johnson is indeed worthy of praise.

Sixty three year old great grandmother, Alice Marie Johson, has served nearly 22 years of a life sentence for a first time non-violent drug offence and despite numerous appeals there did not seem to be any indication that the authorities were prepared to commute her sentence.

As reported by the Associated Press, Memphis attorney Michael Scholl, who filed the latest court documents in her request for a sentence reduction, said "What is the purpose of putting a lady with no prior criminal record, on first time a non-violent drug offense, in jail for her entire life? She's a model inmate." Kim Kardashian clearly felt the same way and last week met with President Donald Trump at the White House to appeal for the release of Alice Marie pictured below.

Her meeting was successful, it was announced in a statement yesterday from the White House that Trump had commuted Johnson's sentence saying that she "has accepted responsibility for her past behaviour" and been a "model prisoner". The statement also said,"While this Administration will always be very tough on crime, it believes that those who have paid their debt to society and worked hard to better themselves while in prison deserve a second chance."

"I feel like my life is starting over again," an emotional Johnson told the media upon her release from prison in Aliceville.

Kim Kardashian welcomed the commutation with a tweet saying it was the "BEST NEWS EVER!!!!"