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Trolls push Ed Sheeran off Twitter

Singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran told The Sun in an interview that he is no longer active on Twitter after he was bullied by Lady Gaga's fans.

It was an interview on Beats Radio 1 with Zane Lowe earlier this year that set Gaga's fans off. "Lady Gaga's fanbase read an interview in which they assumed I was talking about her and they all f--king hate. And it wasn't anything to do with that at all," he told The Sun of the "Cure" singer, who has often spoken out against cyber bullying. "So, I think Twitter gets on a massive steam roll of assuming things and then you get in the s--t."

"I've actually come off Twitter completely. I can't read it. I go on it and there's nothing but people saying mean things. One comment ruins your day," the 26-year-old revealed. "The headf--k for me has been trying to work out why people dislike me so much."

Lady Gaga came to his defense and shared her support for him on Instagram, "What an incredible talented artist I LOVE ED @edsheeran deserves all our love and respect like all humans do, I wish all people on the internet would be positive and loving and apart of creating an online community that is kind and empowering, not hateful and mean. No reason to tear down an artist simply because they are on top. Work harder to be kinder everybody. That should be your first duty to humanity."