The recent airing of Lifetime’s documentary series, Surviving R.Kelly, has left viewers shocked as details of child pornography, molestation and damaging accusations from testimonials given in the production are brought to light.
However, despite the sickening content, there has been a 16 per cent spike in the form of streaming of R. Kelly’s music. Members of the public are confused by this, asking the question, why would anyone want to listen to the music of such a man?
Celebrity, Jada Pinkett Smith took to Twitter to ask this too.
How is it that R Kelly's music sales have spiked (substantially) since the release of the docuseries Surviving R Kelly? I need some help in understanding. What am I missing???
— Jada Pinkett Smith (@jadapsmith) January 6, 2019
Spotify reneged on their promise to remove his music in light of the accusations. Their point of departure is that others who stand accused still have their music under their banner.
You can watch the trailer of the 3 part docu-series right here.