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SA icon Dawn Lindberg dies of covid related illness

Dawn Lindberg

The devastating news was announced on the Naledi Theatre Awards Facebook page and stated simply, “It is with great sadness that we announce that the founder and CEO of the Naledis Dawn Lindberg passed away this evening from a COVID related illness". No other details are known at this time.

Together with her husband Des Lindberg, they enjoyed a long and successful career as entertainers, many will remember their hit song ‘The Seagull’s Name was Nelson’ in 1971, which topped the charts for 20 weeks.

As a husband and wife team, they had a huge impact on the arts industry over the years. In particular, Dawn will always be remembered for conceptualising the internationally recognised Naledi Theatre Awards.

One of her last trips to Port Elizabeth was in 2012 to direct a local production of the famous play The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler.

In show business for over 50 years, their company, CAT “Cabaret and Theatre” was established in 1965 and was the first non-racial theatre production company to perform in public venues all over South Africa.

Dawn Lindberg – you have left an indelible mark upon the lives of so many - your loss to the theatre industry is immense – may you rest in peace.