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Royal wedding 'breakfast' rules: No selfies and when to curtsey

London (dpa) - While many parts of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle'sroyal wedding will be familiar to Britain's 'commoners,' there aresome important rules that guests must observe.

How should you dress and behave if you are lucky enough to join theQueen Elizabeth II and the rest of the royal family at the reception?

Can you take photos? Are you allowed to leave the table? And whatmistakes must you avoid?

Two of Britain's leading experts on wedding etiquette shared some oftheir top tips with dpa.

- Grant Harrold, "The Royal Butler," an etiquette consultant whoworked for Prince Charles:

Mistakes guests make include trying to take pictures while notallowed and perhaps having a few too many drinks, which is a no-no.

When we are at a royal wedding we keep phones and all electronicdevices out of view and ideally outside the royal palace. Onlyofficial royal photographers may take pictures.

When drinking alcohol we do this in moderation. If a guest becamerather intoxicated, I would be sure they will be escorted off thepremises. If it is not too serious, they may be offered a chair in aquiet space to recover.

- Jo Bryant, writer and consultant on etiquette:

In the UK, the traditional meal at a wedding reception following theceremony is known as the 'wedding breakfast.'

Guests should observe the seating plan, sit where they are supposedand talk to the people sitting next to them.

They should pace themselves during the meal so they do not eat toofast or too slowly, and make sure they observe the toasts andspeeches appropriately by standing and raising a glass for toasts andsitting still and quietly for speeches.

Try not to get down from the table during the meal, or at least untilafter the main course, and make sure they do not drink too muchalcohol.

The dress code issued is 'morning suit or lounge or suit' for men,and 'day dress with hat' for women.

So, men can either wear a morning coat in black or grey, striped orgrey trousers and a waistcoat, or a usual business suit. For women, asmart knee-length dress would be usual, paired with a jacket and ahat is essential.

Protocol should be observed, such as making sure they are on time,standing when required during the ceremony - for exampletraditionally when the queen arrives and the entrance of the bride.

If they are presented to a member of the royal family, they shouldbow or curtsey.