Cape Town – When it comes to the perfect date night, Oprah has the best answer – good old home cooking.
During an "Ask a Staffer" Q&A on O The Oprah Magazine's Instagram Stories, the media mogul answered a number of questions including her dream destination.
Perhaps the most important question, however, was what Oprah’s perfect date night with her husband of 32-years, Stedman Graham, would be.
Without skipping a beat Oprah reveals: “I am a really good cook and the wonderful thing about Stedman is, in all the years I’ve been cooking for him, no matter what it is, he is delighted with what I make him.”
Hee then adds the only dish she needs to cook to make her man happy.
“So, my favourite date night is to make him black eyed peas and corn bread as a surprise for dinner and then… Honey hush. That’s all you need.”
Well, Oprah just proved the saying: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”
Source: Channel24