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Nelson Mandela Foundation aims to plant a million trees and food gardens

His inspiration will live forever(Source : Twitter)

The theme of International Nelson Mandela Day for 2023 is: “The Legacy Lives on Through You: Climate, Food, and Solidarity. In recognition, the Nelson Mandela Foundation is committed to planting one million trees and food gardens globally to combat #climatechange and #foodinsecurity.

Taking to social media the humanitarian organisation wrote: “18 July 1918: Nelson Mandela is born in Mvezo, Transkei. His given name is Rohlihlala. His mother, Nosekeni, the third of the four wives of his father Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Henry, moves with the baby to her own home in Qunu. It is only when he attends primary school that he is given the name Nelson, by his teacher. In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly declared 18 July Nelson Mandela International Day in recognition of his contribution to a culture of peace and freedom. Today, on #MandelaDay, we’re asking you to do good in the world, specifically to help end hunger and mitigate climate change, by planting trees and growing food in your communities, cities, and gardens, and on your pavements. Our aim is for a million trees to be planted around the world on #MandelaDay.”

Happy Madiba Day Algoa Country!