National Look Alike Day is observed annually on April 20th. This day was created as a fun day to look like another person. Do you already look like someone? We often hear the words, “You remind me of someone,” or “You look just like so and so.” If so, then you are one step ahead of the game. One of the most famous “look-alikes” is Elvis Presley, “The King of Rock-N-Roll.”
Celebrate National Look Alike Day by picking someone you will see today or select a celebrity and dress up like them. Fix your hair like their’s and talk like them all day long! Have fun with National Look Alike Day and post your pictures on Social Media using #NationalLookALikeDay.
National Look Alike Day was created by feature television reporter, Jack Etzel, in the 1980s. He was in downtown Pittsburgh with photographer Rick Minutello, desperately looking for a light feature for the news. Rick said, “This guy coming toward us looks like Humphrey Bogart.” He did, cigarette and all. Jack said, “Let’s talk to him. I’ll ask him who people think he looks like.” They spent a couple of hours asking others the same question. The next day Etzel got in touch with the Chase Calendar of Events people and proclaimed Look Alike Day so that they could depend on that same funny story for the next ten years.
(History as told by Jack Etzel in correspondence to National Day Calendar in July 2014.)
Celeb Look Alikes