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Meet Carla Peters, one of the Top 35 finalist for Miss SA 2020

Carla Peters: one of the top 35 finalist of the Miss SA 2020 pageant

Last week the top 35 finalists of the Miss SA 2020 pageant was announced.

One of the ladies named as a finalist is PE born Carla Peters, who currently lives in Muizenburg, in the Western Cape.

Get to know Carla as she shares more about who she is in the Q&A below:



20 (Born May 13, 2000)



I am a full-time model at Boss Models Cape Town but travel for four to five months of the year internationally working in Europe and the UK. I am also a part-time drama student at a film institution in Cape Town. 


Why do you want to be Miss South Africa and what do you bring to the role? 

I want to inspire and empower that little girl who thinks that she is not worthy of greatness; for her to know that where she is headed will not be determined by where she comes from and every time I speak her voice will be heard. It is time for every woman’s voice to become thunderous. We have the ability to build new paradigms, we are not wrong for demanding better for our sisters and humanity as a whole.


How have you handled lockdown due to COVID- 19?

It has allowed me to become more centred and set my goals in motion as well as keeping active. However, my career and interacting with people was a big part of my life before the virus so from that I had to take a step back and understand my emotions. 


What has this time taught you: 

An immense amount of self-control and to be more grounded. It made me focus on what I gained and not what I was lacking.


2020 has been a tough year globally. Do you see any positives that has happened in the past few months or weeks?

I can’t only speak from the view of my country; we have not seen the changes we need in order to move forward. 


Why do you love South Africa? 

I am a daughter of the soil, I know only the unity and strength of my country, one you cannot find anywhere in the world, the most beautiful scenery, friendly beings and delicious cuisine. We are a force! 


What is one thing you would like to change in South Africa: 

Discrimination against people of colour/races/religions or genders. No one is superior to the other and we are responsible for one another. 


Who is a previous Miss South Africa who had inspired you? 

Liesl Laurie as I’ve always felt as if she was very relatable. I remember watching her being crowned and thinking to myself ‘wow, somebody who looks like me won Miss South Africa.’ It made me so much more determined. 


Who are your role models?

Michelle Obama. I’ve always thought she was one of the most significant female leaders. She has wonderful leadership qualities.


Tell us a bit more about your family

They are my biggest support system and my pillars of strength. When I was young my mom was a domestic worker and I used to dream of owning one of the houses she worked in. She now works for a car industrial company. I have five siblings - two older brothers who are my biggest protectors and older sister who is a constable in the SAPS as well as two younger teenage sisters who are both in school. My dad is very charismatic -he's a chef, teacher and pastor.


What do you do in your spare time? 

I love to cook. My mom taught me to cook at a very young age because she used to work late and I had to cook for my brother. I’m constantly trying to create new dishes. I also love to read.


Do you think beauty pageants are still relevant today?

Beauty pageants are important because they give young individuals the platform to enrich and empower themselves, to be seen as a role model to others and to uplift society. 


Name two of your female role models:

My mom and Michelle Obama. 


What is your message to young girls and young women in South Africa?

You have the ability to do anything and to create the best life for yourself. If you can change your thoughts, you can change your life. 


If you won the Miss South Africa crown and was able to meet one person, who would it be?

I would like to meet the President Cyril Ramaphosa. I think it’s time a serious conversation needs to be had regarding the current justice system on the issue of femicide. 


What is the one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

One surprising thing about me that people don’t know is that I can sing. 


What is the No 1 piece of advice that you would give to your younger self?

Practice faith over fear and if you continue to work and grow your success you will have no limitations. 


Describe yourself in three words:

Passionate, courageous, God-fearing.


What are you reading?

Whispers of Hope by Stephan Joubert. 


What music are you listening to? 

I am a jazz fan so Sade will always be on my playlist as well as Jhene Aiko, two of my favourite female artists.


What is your favourite TV show?

7de Laan


What is your favourite meal? 

Vetkoek and mince as I’m a traditional girl. 


My celebrity crush:

I would say Barack Obama he is so charismatic and let’s not forget about the voice! 


What is your guilty pleasure?

Chocolate covered Turkish delight.

Social media:

Instagram: @thecarlapeters_