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Khanyi Mbau launches her own brand of gin

Gin and has become the ‘in’ drink to imbibe these days, and as we head into the festive season, if you're a gin lover and fan of Khanyi Mbau, you will be pleased to hear that as of the 1st of December she is launching her own brand of gin.

It’s a pink gin in a beautiful bottle and it’s called, I AM Khanyi. Yes, a tad self-indulgent, but then she is Khanyi Mbau and flagrant self-promotion is the name of the game in the entertainment industry these days.

So, where can you get a bottle and how much will it cost you?  As mentioned, it will be available from 1 December across South Africa throughout various liquor stores and a 750ml bottle will set you back anything between  R389 and  R399.

Not the cheapest drink on the market but so worth it, according to Khanyi.