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How weird is Nick Nolte? Actor bares his soul in memoir.

Actor Nick Nolte's memoir, "Rebel: My Life Outside the Lines," would make a good movie, but only if he starred in it. "Nick the weirdo," as he calls himself, has the blond good looks, the distinctive voice, the acting chops and, as "Rebel" makes clear, the willingness to go deep inside his character.

How weird is Nick Nolte? Weird enough that on a 1991 "Good Morning America" segment he announced that he had scheduled a "testicle tuck." This lie cut short his interview, but Nolte chose to repeat it in the first sentence of "Rebel." "I've tried not to fudge," he writes, attributing his lying to shyness and the "false high" of fame. Or, "maybe I just rebel with a little lie."

Whatever the reason, Nolte has our attention, and he wants very much to tell his story.

Postwar America was full of lies. For example, World War II was the "good" war, a lie Nolte's father demolished when he returned from the Pacific theater "a shell of a man" damaged by "the horrors of what humankind is capable of." It's a transformation that's haunted Nolte all his life. Nolte's independent and imaginative mother rebelled against the lie of the happy housewife by working as a buyer for department stores. But at home she raged against the sexism she suffered. She also drank and took pills and didn't hesitate to give her young son "a vitamin" that was actually the upper Dexedrine on those mornings when he didn't want to go to school. This might help explain Nolte's later trouble with drugs and alcohol. Nolte's mother fed his rebelliousness, and his father's deep silences and secluding habits formed a real-life model for many of the male characters Nolte would later play in films.

Nolte loved his parents, but life in Nebraska stifled his craving for "every kind of experience." By 1962 he was playing college football at Pasadena City College, but that didn't last long. Though he considered himself an athlete, Nolte preferred hanging with musicians, painters and druggies. He flunked out of college, then, while working construction, was discovered in true Hollywood fashion by agent Henry Willson, later notorious for interviewing the handsome men he had discovered while "wearing only a silk dressing gown." When this happened to Nolte, he "awkwardly excused" himself and put aside his movie-star dreams. Nolte, though, had discovered acting, and after years of working in summer stock and regional theater, his big break came in 1976 when he starred in the ABC miniseries "Rich Man, Poor Man." After that, Hollywood.

"Rebel's" tone is clean, inviting and forthright; the memoir is cumulative instead of meditative. Nolte likes facts, and likes to work; if he's not doing a film, he's reading, or gardening or lining up another film. We learn a lot along the way. Though known for his excesses, Nolte likes to be in control, but he also comes across as modest and generous.

The book is full of thank-yous, beginning with Nolte's appreciation for his first acting teacher, Bryan O'Byrne. He's grateful for the directors he worked with in regional theater who made him read the entire canon of noted American playwrights. To learn his lines and understand his character, Nolte would transcribe entire plays in longhand, which helped with his dyslexia. While with Phoenix's Little Theatre, he enrolled in Phoenix College to study photography with Allen Dutton, who taught him not to "dismiss anyone or any idea." Nolte loves the women in his life, even after divorcing them, and he knows no greater love than that of his children, son Brawley and daughter Sophie. He even thanks his gardener, Gerardo Resendiz, who for 40 years has been his "Rock of Gibraltar, and dear and steadfast friend." Such consideration for others is touching.

But when someone angers Nolte, he doesn't hold back. When a teacher wanted to put Brawley on Ritalin, for instance, Nolte drew on the lesson of his own youthful Dexedrine days and decided to pull his son from school and hire private tutors. He also rages at the "aggressive" Harvey Weinstein, who he says had "a long-standing reputation as a producer who would ruthlessly edit films directors and editors had worked painstakingly to create." As executive producer of "The Golden Bowl," Nolte writes, Weinstein reduced the film "to shreds" in his ruthless post-production editing before it was salvaged by director Merchant Ivory, who bought back the film.

Many know Nolte only through his 2002 mug shot after he was arrested for driving under the influence, in this instance not of alcohol but the substance GHB. In 10 years, he had gone from being People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive to looking like king of the dumpster divers. Dwelling on this image is a mistake considering all the great Nolte movies we could be watching: "Down and Out in Beverly Hills," "48 Hours," "Q&A," "Jefferson in Paris," "Who'll Stop the Rain," "The Thin Red Line," and especially "Affliction," in which Nolte plays Wade Whitehouse, a man who, like Nolte, was "afflicted by his father." For that role, Nolte received his second Academy Award nomination for best actor, losing to Roberto Benigni for "Life Is Beautiful."

And now we have "Rebel: My Life Outside the Lines," playing at a bookstore near you. Touching, funny in parts, full of the excesses postwar America readily supplied, and, hopefully, truthful. Pick it up.

-The Washington Post