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Simon Bechus

Get To Know Majozi

We recently started playing "Fire" by Majozi. So who is he?

You taught yourself how to play the guitar at the tender age of 13. Did you know then that it would be something you would later pursue on a professional level?
No never. It was a dream, but I never thought it would become a reality. At the age I thought I was gonna be an accountant. Needless to say I changed my mind the following year when I nearly failed it as a subject.

Your songs are beautifully written and withhold a certain message of upliftment within them. What brings you the inspiration to write them?My faith plays a big role in my song writing. I might not always sing about it specifically, but it influence how I see and write about things.

You describe your sound as a mashup between indie-folk and subtle electro. Who are some of your musical influences both locally and internationally?
Gangs of Ballet, Matthew Mole, Lumineers,The Killers, Kings of leon, Shakey Graves, Coldplay. Those are big influences to me

Your faith plays a major role in your life. Would you say that it is because of this that you are motivated to do what it is that you do every day?
For sure man. I’m passionate about Christianity, and I really hope that it comes out in how I right and conduct myself. I’m not perfect by any means, and I want people to see that to. I am the same as everyone else I just have a different passion to other people, and it is the reason why I’m able to do anything. I’m not here to shove my beliefs down people’s throats, but I’m also not ashamed because it’s a big part of who I am.

The release of your EP “Marvelous Light” in 2013 made it to No.1 on the iTunes chart in the singer songwriter category. While recording it, did you anticipate its major success in the country?
Never thought it would do so well. As we started reaching the end of the of recorded it, I realized that is sounded way better than imagined it would, thanks to the production skills of my friend Warren Meyer, but I could never forsee the success I would have with it.

Your follow up single “The River” is beautifully written and furthermore, visually represented in a video which was conceptualised and shot really well. Who helped you with the direction for it?
Thank you. The Director Tim Hay was the brains behind the video. He captured the spirit of the song beautifully and I’m really proud of what he managed to achieve.

You have had the great opportunity to open for some of the best local and international artists. What were your initial feelings when you were told that you had been booked for these gigs?
To be honest the 1st thing I think is that I’m not good enough and I don’t deserve it. It’s a scary feeling, but I stretch myself, have a little faith and go for it. If your dreams don’t scare you then they aren’t big enough

The end of 2014 saw you achieve big things. Open for international band The Lumineers and the dropping of your latest single “Someday”. You have kick started the year with the release of the video, what’s next for Majozi in 2015?
We’ve just released my new single ‘Fire’ so you can expect a music video for that soon, also I have an EP called ‘Mountains” coming out soon as well as a full length in the future.

We hear you’re working on a new EP which is set to be released in March. Can you give us a few hints on what can be expected?
Expect something different from my previous stuff, but expect it to be better.

And finally, where can Majozi fans around SA catch you doing your thing live up on stage in the near future?
Will be touring as much as possible to promote the album, but its best to check out my websitewww.majozi.co.za for where and when I’ll be playing

Interview by Lee Mavuso

Story by Vicky Jankiewicz - samusicscene