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Death defying stunt goes wrong on America's Got Talent

There is no doubt that it will be watched time and time again. America’s Got Talent took a dramatic turn during recent live filming when a trapeze trick nearly caused the death of one of the artistes.

Mary and Tyce, a husband and wife trapeze team, initially wowed the judges as they performed gravity-defying tricks high above the stage,, the tricks are made even more daring as Tyce is legally blind in his right eye due to a progressive eye disease.

On their final big trick, Tyce blindfolded himself as he hung upside down and prepared to catch his wife.

Watch what happens next!

While shaken, the duo was determined to try the catch again but the judges would have none of it.

But Simon Cowell insisted that they not try it again saying “This is not America’s Got Perfection, it’s America’s Got Talent, nobody can do this,” he consoled the couple. He went on to say that everyone makes mistakes on the AGT stage — albeit this could have had more serious consequences than just being off-key as Mary almost “broke her neck.”