Audi and Twentieth Century Fox, in cooperation with Blue Sky Studios, are teaming up on a digital content piece ahead of the world premiere of the animated film “Spies in Disguise” starring Will Smith and Tom Holland. The video, called “Lunchbreak,” follows super-spy Lance Sterling and scientist Walter Beckett, the characters voiced by Smith and Holland in the film, as well as the Audi RSQ e-tron, the first concept car by Audi created exclusively for an animated film.
In the video, suave and smooth Lance Sterling and tech genius Walter Beckett find themselves in a high-speed car chase through the streets and underground shafts of Washington, DC. The unlikely duo are at an advantage in the RSQ e-tronwith the concept car’s fully automatic driving mode and additional boost capability, which is controlled via Functions on demand. Find the video here:
The electric and fully automated RSQ e-tron concept car, designed in close cooperation with Blue Sky Studios, features autopilot mode, as well as visionary design language and futuristic highlights including a hologram speedometer.
“The action-packed super-spy storyline provides us with a creative medium to showcase innovation and technology, and all that is possible with the future of mobility,” says Sven Schuwirth, Vice President Audi Brand, Digital Business, Customer Experience.