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Ariana's bomb attack trauma

ARIANA Grande has revealed she suffered post-traumatic stress disorder following the Manchester terror attack.

The 24-year-old US singer, right, had just finished performing at the Manchester Arena last May when a suicide bomber killed 22 people. She told Vogue magazine she felt guilty when talking about her own emotions because others had experienced ‘such severe, tremendous loss’.

But, asked if the extreme anxiety she experienced after the attack was a sign of post-traumatic stress disorder, she replied: ‘I hate admitting it but it very much is. It’s a real thing. I know those families and my fans, and everyone there experienced a tremendous amount of it as well. I don’t think I’ll ever know how to talk about it and not cry.’

The star also revealed she is still in touch with victim Millie Robson, who was 15 at the time and left with shrapnel in her legs.

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