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Western Cape dam levels drop to just 22.1% of total capacity

The Western Cape government said that the average water level for dams across the province had dropped to 22.1% in spite of some good rainfall that fell in parts of the province before and over the Easter Weekend.

Western Cape Minister for Local Government,  Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell,  commended water users in the City of Cape Town for bringing water usage down to below 700 million litres per day mark.

“The continued responsible and frugal use of water is of the utmost necessity at this stage while we wait on the winter rains to come.” Bredell said in a statement on Wednesday.

He said that there were a number of regions across the Western Cape province now showing huge strain.

“The disaster management centre is managing the situation on a daily basis and has already put contingency measures in place should matters escalate,” Bredell said.

He said the Western Cape Disaster Management Centre met on Tuesday with all key disaster management stakeholders to finalise winter preparedness planning for the upcoming season.

Bredell has cautioned the public to take care when it does start to rain.

He says recent thundershowers in the Central Karoo region – in particular around the Prince Albert Local Municipal area - caused significant damage and tragically led to one fatality.