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Wait almost over for 2015 matrics

The long wait for the class of 2015 will soon be over.

At six o'clock on Tuesday night, Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, will release the results of the 2015 National Senior Certificate Examination.

Department spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga, said having taken part in the largest NSC Examination to date, the  801 688 and the nation will receive insight into how well the class of 2015 had faired.

Individual results will be available on Algoa FM's website from 6am tomorrow morning and at schools from around 8am.

Mhlanga, says its preferable for the learners to go to their respective schools to receive their results where they can also get additional assistance if needed.

"Some qualify for supplementary exams but they do not know until they are advised to apply for that.Others might want to apply for re-check or even rewrite so all of those things you can only do so if you are at the school,you can only apply for those if you obtain your results from school" he said.

Meanwhile, the lobby group, Equal Education in the Eastern Cape said it is optimistic about the Province's matric results.

The head of the Eastern Cape office, Lumkile Zani, says the Province's target of 70 percent is possible, especially with the implementation of school based camps for matrics.

Zani said challenges such as infrastructure, scholar transport and a shortage of teaching posts for maths and science still exist and need to be dealt with by national Government.

" The overall expectation is positive because some of the schools that we visited as Equal Education, we've seen serious learners and serious teachers through school based camps. I do not think it is a Government initiative , the government needs to play a role in improving matric results" he said.

Results for the Eastern Cape will be available on the Algoa Fm website at 6am on the 6th of January(wednesday).

Western Cape results will be available on the 7th of January( Thursday).