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UCT to turn to courts to end student sit-in

UCT began a legal process on Saturday to have students occupying the Bremner building on campus removed.

UCT said in a statement that the University executive “reiterates that the Bremner occupation is unacceptable”.

The university said significant progress had already been made as part of the Rapid Response Task Team on the issues raised on academic and financial exclusions.

UCT spokesperson, Elijah Mohololo said since the executive’s meeting with the students on Wednesday, even further progress has been made on the additional demands made by students.

He said some of these demands – especially the demand that no black student should be excluded academically or economically – go far beyond the agreement between the executive and the student representatives.

 Mohololo said “this demand cannot be met by the UCT executive” which reiterated its call for students to end the occupation.