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UCT staff member being disciplined for shocking Facebook comments

A University of Cape Town staffer is facing disciplinary action over Facebook posts in which he attacked women for using the popular ''men are trash'' reference.

The engineering department staff member's posts angered social media users when he called women ''trash'' along with their parents.

Part of the post read: ''I was not there when your mom attracted your trash dad. For some of you trash attraction runs in the family. Learn your history, check is it [sic] not your linage to attract trash. Slaughter a goat sis wam [sister].''

He further stated that people who raped suffered from depression, and that when he was depressed, he wanted to harm his own two-year-old child as he ''saw nothing with her, no love.''

The institution said management has met with the staffer.

''The content of the post is grave, unacceptable and disturbing, and completely out of alignment with UCT values. It is completely understandable that the post has upset people, leading to reactions of pain and offence. This is most regrettable,'' UCT said in a statement.

''A formal pre-suspension hearing has been called and a formal process to investigate the matter has begun. We have introduced a due process to look into the matter and we will ensure the matter is properly investigated and dealt with.''

- African News Agency (ANA)