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Two women arrested in Beaufort West with a substantial quantity of tik

CAPE TOWN, February 12 (ANA) – Vigilant police officers attached to the Central Karoo K9 unit confiscated drugs worth an estimated R6 million when they arrested two women in the early hour of Sunday morning in Beaufort West, Western Cape police said.

“The [officers] were busy with roadblocks when they spotted a suspicious minibus taxi which they pulled over. With the search that ensued they discovered two cases filled with 5.4kg of tik [crystal methamphetamine] in the one and 12.25kg of tik in the other one. We have reason to believe that the suspects were transporting the drugs for drug dealers,” Lt-Col Andrè Traut said.

The two women would appear in the Beaufort West Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges of dealing in drugs, he said.
– African News Agency (ANA)