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Traffic cops must step up during load shedding - AA

The Automobile Association is calling on Traffic Departments across the country to step up and make an effort to ease the impact of rolling blackouts.

The Association said that those Departments who do not make every effort to deal with congestion and lawlessness were not doing their jobs and failing motorists in the towns and cities that they serve.

Spokesperson, Layton Beard, said excuses of a lack of resources cannot be accepted any longer.

"It's time traffic law enforcers step up, do their jobs, and provide services to the motoring public to ease this pressure," he said in a statement on Monday.

He said that the AA had received complaints from members about a lack of traffic police at major intersections during the blackouts and where motorists are driving in and blocking the emergency lanes to skip queues of vehicles.

Some of the measures the AA recommends for traffic law enforcement include:

*Immediately suspending roadblocks and traffic stops targeted at revenue collection which does not aid in the free-flow of traffic. Obviously, roadblocks targeted at dealing with criminal activities must continue; these should not be confused with those seeking only to check for expired licence discs.

*Redeploying all available traffic officials to major intersections and routes where congestion is known to be severe as a result of the rolling blackouts - especially at peak times in the mornings and afternoons.

*Increasing the working hours of traffic law enforcement officials to ensure more people are available when needed.