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Suspect arrested for allegedly starting fire at Rhodes memorial

The Rhodes Memorial in Cape Town before Sunday's devastating fires.

South African History Online

Cape Town City bosses have confirmed that one person has been arrested in connection with starting the devastating fire at Rhodes memorial.

The man in his 30's was arrested in the vicinity of Devil's Peak on Sunday evening.

Authorities say there has been severe property damage, but a full assessment will be done once the fire has been brought under control.

They say while there has been speculation over the cause of the fire, a full investigation has to be done for that to be conclusively determined.

The City's Political Head for Safety and Security, JP Smith says the matter is now being dealt with by SAPS as their main concern now is to bring the fire under control.

He says the man was arrested after residents spotted three people moving through the bush starting new fires on Sunday.  

Law enforcement officials were called to the scene after a local resident found the man standing adjacent to the fire. 

Smith says he admitted to being responsible, however it is unclear if he was referring to the current fire or the larger fire during the day.

SANParks has also brought on a forensic fire investigator who will also be assisting.