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State not quite ready for Catzavelos trial

The crimen injuria case against businessman Adam Catzavelos, arising from racist comments he made, was postponed on Wednesday because the state was still studying the 68-page representation he submitted in July.

The businessman filmed himself using the K-word while on holiday in Greece last year.

The video, which went viral on social media attracted the wrath of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), which then lodged a complaint with the police.

Catzavelos’s lawyer Lawley Shain said his client had been served with a summons written in Greek. He said the date for Catzavelos to appear in court in Athens over his racist video was still to be decided.

Shain said the letter from Greece stated that Catzavelos was facing charges relating to incitement and provoking actions which cause violence and discrimination against a group of persons.

The accused is also facing a hearing before the Equality Court after a complaint by the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC). The date for the pre-trial hearing has been set for 5 August.

Outside the court, SAHRC Gauteng manager Buang Jones told reporters that Catzavelos wanted to settle the matter out of court, without paying damages, but the commission has refused to settle for anything less than R200,000 given the seriousness of the matter.

Jones said they want a court to rule on the matter.

"They submit that Mr Catzavelos is willing to undergo sensitivity training, to undergo some form of community service for the conduct that he’s accused of. In the answering affidavit, he does admit to the claim that we are making that his conduct amounts to hate speech," said Jones.

Jones said Catzavelos claims he is experiencing financial challenges, but this was not corroborated by any form of proof.

After the court proceedings, members of the EFF complained about the length of time the case was taking to conclude.

Catzavelos’s trial was postponed to August 29.

- African News Agency (ANA)

Picture:  Karen Sandison