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Staggie parole revoked

The Department of Correctional Services has revoked the day parole of well-known Cape gangster, Rashied Staggie.

Department spokesperson, Manelisi Wolela, says the decision today comes after the parole board heard evidence that Staggie had violated the conditions of his day parole that began on the 23 of September.

He says evidence of Staggie violation had been presented to the board and was supported by technical evidence obtained through the electronic tag attached to him.

Wolela says among Staggie's parole violations were visits to members of gangs and paid un-authorised visits.

He says Staggie's admitted to the evidence and apologised for his conduct.

Wolela says the chairperson of the parole board had welcomed the electronic tagging of offenders as it had helped to verify locations that Staggie had visited.

He says had Staggie not violated his parole conditions he would have been eligible for full parole by 25 March 2014 up to the end of sentence on 23 March 2017.