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SANDF to investigate disturbing viral video


The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) says they have been alerted to a video doing the rounds on social media showing members standing around watching dead people being thrown in a pile of burning rubble.

In a brief statement issued on Tuesday, SANDF says the video shows soldiers in a yet unidentified Defence Form Uniform, throwing deceased bodies in a pile of burning rubble while SANDF members are standing around.

It says the incident is believed to have taken place during the month of November 2022 in Mozambique, where South Africa has committed forces as part of the South African Development Community (SADC) Mission (SAMIM) in the country.

The SANDF says the Force Commander of SAMIM is conducting an investigation surrounding the involvement of its members in this despicable act.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Alliance called on the Minister must also fully brief Parliament's defence Committee on the incident as soon as possible and explain under whose authority and jurisdiction the bodies were burnt and whether those bodies were civilians or combatants.

At least one person in the video can be identified as a South African soldier.