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Samwu outraged over exorbitant salaries

 The SA Municipal Workers Union is outraged at reports that some municipal managers are paid more than elected politicians.

Samwu was responding to a weekend report highlighting that Tshwane city manager, Jason Ngobeni and his Johannesburg counterpart, Trevor Fowler earn R3.25 and R3.23m a year after pay hikes of 20%.

President Jacob Zuma earns about R2.5m a year.

SA Municipal Workers Union spokesperson, Tahir Sema, says what's more concerning for them is that while Municipal Managers get paid exorbitant salaries, workers are time and time again refused a decent living wage in the form of annual wage increases and more equitable wage curves.

The union is currently in negotiations with the SA Local Government Association on wage increases and other conditions of employment.

The union is seeking a double digit increase for its members of no less than 10% while municipalities are offering just 4%.